A House Divided …

We took a different route than usual on our way to the John Helm memorial service in Bowling Green, Kentucky.  Rather than sticking to the interstates we headed down through Rochester to the bluffs of Iowa.  At Decorah we cut over to Illinois, spending the night in Springfield, the capital.

Springfield was not an accidental choice.  Although it appears to be a bit “long in the tooth,” it is also home to the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum.  We’d heard great things about this museum, (and Abraham Lincoln), and wanted to check it out.

We were not disappointed.  It was moving and inspiring.

Key points of interest:

  • Undying Words: Lincoln 1858-1865 – featured original versions of Lincoln’s most famous speeches, plus the 13th Amendment, Abraham and Mary’s carriage, and his death-bed.  The line that most spoke to us was “A house divided against itself cannot stand”.  It seems very relevant today.
  • With Firmness in the Right: Lincoln and the Jews – an exhibit that spoke to Lincoln’s inclusiveness to jews.  He was a strong proponent, and had Grant immediately rescind an order that banned jews from an area he had captured.
  • He really could write!
  • Ghosts of the Library – in interactive holographic show.  No photos were allowed, but without sharing the big reveal, it was fantastic.
  • My mom would have really liked the display of gowns worn by the ladies of the time.  The social rivalries were out of this world.  Talk about “mean girls.”
  • We don’t seem to be turning out leaders like Lincoln anymore.  Perhaps we need another war. (sic)

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