Adios Beach!

We got the all clear, spent a few more days chilling, and then headed out.

It was about 10 or 15 minutes before sunset the night before leaving.  Susan had gone to Manglaralto and was meeting us for dinner in Montañita.  Eric, the Quebecois plumber who lives in the casita behind the house came in and said “come on, I’ve got something for you.”  To which we said “but the sun is about to set!”

We went anyhow, climbing into his thirty year-old Range Rover.


We took off heading south.  At Curia, the first town, Eric turned off the highway heading toward the beach.  We watched the sunset driving down the beach.  Had a good time in Montañita.  Got up the next day.  Took the bus to Salinas for a final checkup with the surgeon.  Said our goodbyes.  Headed to the bus station where we got the express bus to Guayaquil.

The Guayaquil bus station is fairly new, and very crowded.

bUS station in Guayaquil

Bus station in Guayaquil

bUS station in Guayaquil

Bus station in Guayaquil

We taxi’d to the airport, kind of across a busy street, but a 10 minute taxi ride.  Took it easy.  When we got on the plane, there was fog coming out of the air vents.  Guayaquil is sea level and very hot and humid.

Fog coming out of vents on plane

Fog coming out of vents on plane

We took off over Guayaquil, then 50 minutes later landed in Quito.




View from new Quito airport

View from new Quito airport