All Bikes Have Bells

Derek has been a superb host in Amsterdam.  Amsterdam is a biking kind of town.  Reports suggest that there are between two and three bikes per person in Amsterdam.  There are bike lanes and routes everywhere.  There are bicycle parking lots that hold thousands of bikes.  And all of the bikes have bells.  Tourists or errant walkers are quickly warned of impending danger with the ring of a bell.

We decided to rent bicycles.  Derek took us out to the Amstel River.  We very quickly entered the countryside with farms and pastures.  There were also homes and cottages.  People took huge advantage of the river, whether on foot, bicycle, boat, or car.  There were sunbathers, a few swimmers, fishing, and boats all over the place.

One thought on “All Bikes Have Bells

  1. Dave and I adored Amsterdam; we were there the summer of 2014. We were amazed at the amount of bike traffic and the need to be cognizant of the right-of-way rules while crossing. So glad you got out of the city a ways! Happy trails.

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