
It’s been a while, (37 years at least), since I’ve been to Avignon.  All I really remembered was that I liked it, and that there were signs on the ramparts that pointed to where the different types of wine are produced.

We decided we needed a layover day to catch up on emails, posts, bookings, planning, etc.  Unfortunately, this precluded calling up my friend Mary’s friend from when she lived here years ago.  On the other hand, we got all caught up, and that felt pretty good.  This made our touristic activities of the next day totally guilt-free.

Avignon is in the Provence.  During the Catholic schism, in the 11th century, it was the seat of a second papacy.  The duplicate popes wanted to show Rome a thing or two, so built the magnificent Palais de Papes, or Pope’s Palace.  I have mentioned in previous posts that it seems like it would have been good to be the king.  It might have also been good to be the pope.

At the time, the church provided a great deal of infrastructure, not the least of which seems to have been tax collection.  These guys had over 500 clerks working for them to monitor and audit taxation.  The palais was at some point given to the military, and their engineers found ways to add floors in the great halls to provide dormitories.  By the time it was turned back to the city, in 1906, it had been pretty trashed.  There was some vision that called for restoration.  It has paid off, as there are tourists from everywhere.

Avignon is quite a cultural center now, and also seems to be a gastronomic one as well.  Hence the title picture.  Talk about a perfect breakfast!

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4 thoughts on “Avignon

  1. Steve, how DO you remember all this stuff?? At any rate, I’m glad you do because my little brain is happy to take it in! I’m really glad that you and Ellen are having such an amazing trip….

  2. These photos are stunning and make me want to travel to Avignon. So glad you are having such a wonderful trip. Hope to see you if/when you return to Twin Cities this year! ENJOY!!

  3. Thank you for the gorgeous pictures of Avignon – it is such a great place in the spring!

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