Back on the Water

Sometimes destiny seems to be a bit more apparent than others.

We heard that space had opened up at a motel for a reasonable rate on the weekend of the 4th of July.  Then we heard from our friends Ann and Steve that they had chartered our old sailboat Esprit on Saturday afternoon.

As it turns out, Esprit was sold last year, but we went out on a beautiful Tartan 38 named Egret.

We have wanted to lay Ellen’s folks ashes to rest in the Apostles.  Everything came together.  We had a great sail, and were able to sail past the old shore house.

2 thoughts on “Back on the Water

  1. Enjoyed the pictures and update:….as we have missed seeing the two of you, you are off having way too much fun! We are too….baby sitting a guinny pig while our son and family are on their way for 3 weeks in Alaska. see ya in the office…

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