
We’ve booked our tickets to Ecuador, registered at Yanapuma, and are finalizing the last details before departure.

We’ll celebrate Thanksgiving with Blakey late, on the weekend after the actual holiday.  On Wednesday, December 2nd, we fly back to LAX from San Francisco, leaving the car with Blakey, and get on our flight to Guayaquil, Ecuador.  We’ll be flying Copa Airlines via Panama City.

The following Saturday we’ll take the 5 hour bus ride to Cuenca, and start school the following Monday.


4 thoughts on “Booked!

  1. Hola, Ellen and Steve,
    Any chance of seeing you on Mon, Nov. 30th or Tues. Dec. 1st? We’ll be down in L.A. until that Sunday, for Thanksgiving with one of Mehdi’s nieces. But I’m off work on that Monday/Tuesday following, so I could easily come over for a cup of tea to Santa Cruz from Saratoga to see you. Can that work out do you think? Or if you would be over on this side of the pass, come over here? Our landline phone is: 999/999-9999.
    Wow. What a great adventure you are off on now! Wonderful! xo, Sofia

  2. Sounds fun and exciting. Laurie, Lia and I want to do the same thing one day. We are perennial Spanish 3 students.

  3. Hi Steve and Ellen,
    Wow, you booked it!!
    Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and trip.
    Excited for you.
    Beth and Sam

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