
This post may be a bit brief in deference to Ellen’s privacy.

Toward the end of last week, Ellen suffered from some pain in her gut.  By Saturday sunset we headed to the emergency room at the hospital in Manglaralto, about 15 minutes south of where we are staying.  If you are thinking it is anything like an emergency room in the U.S. you would be sadly mistaken.  Nonetheless, she was diagnosed with appendicitis.

After a comedy of errors, (not so much for Ellen, but perhaps at some point in the future looking back), we ended up at a private hospital in La Libertad, about 1.5 hours south of here by bus.  Fortunately, there was an English-speaking attending on duty.  Within an hour or so she was in the operating room.

As it turns out, the appendix had ruptured at some point, probably during the drive.  The surgery was complicated, but concluded within about 2 hours.  The surgeon and the translator showed me the appendix, and it was most definitely perforated.

Sunday, Ellen was coming off of the anesthetic.  Today, (Monday), she was much better.  I’ve been told that we need to look out for fever.  There is none.  Ellen is getting a course of multiple antibiotics.


Today we walked several times in the corridor.  She will be under observation for several more days before being released.

At this point I am cautiously optimistic, but know that things can change quickly.  We are still confident in the care we are receiving, and have been getting support from “friends in the know” stateside.

Ellen does not have wifi in her room, so she cannot get e-mail or whatsapp at the moment.  I try to find hotspots when I visit to download everything that has come in.

We’re not sure what this means to the trip yet, but it is  likely that we will lay low once she is discharged to recuperate.  At least we are on the beach.

A big hi from Ellen:

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I’ll keep everyone updated.


33 thoughts on “Burst!

  1. Oh Ellen so sorry to hear what you have had to go through. It was good to hear your voice on Sunday. It sounds like you are in good hands. We are patiently awaiting more info. Thinking of you and love you both. Hang in there.
    Beth and John

  2. OH Ellen, so sad to hear this news, but is so good to know that you are doing better every day and the surgery went well. Wish I was there to help you out. You are looking great in the pictures and very tan!! I hope you get to feeling even better and get to get out of the hospital and relax again on the beach really soon. WOW, what an experience!
    Love and Peace….Pattie

  3. Ellen, Ellen, Ellen…OHMEINGOTT. SO happy you are on the mend but how very frightening for both of you. Roger and I keep thinking about the bus ride. An hour and a half must never have felt so long. I’m not a pray er but sending some healing white (albeit damp) Topanga light your way with all our love for a speedy, relaxing recovery. Linda and Roger xoxoxo

  4. Ellen,
    Please take care of yourself. Heal quickly and get back on the beach. You are in our thoughts.
    Cheri and David

  5. oh my gosh! What next! Such wonderful adventures, you two are plotting and then, bing! Something
    unexpected! Hoping and praying this will just require a short rehab period and then ONWARD !

  6. Ellen! Ouch!!! So good to hear that you are on the mend. Hope that you will take all the time you need to make sure you are completely recovered, and make sure you have good medical care. We missed both of you during our recent swing through St. Paul, but had a lovely time seeing Sue, Audie and Peter. Sending you healing thoughts, Nancy

  7. Ellen and Steve,
    We are so surprised to read about your appendectomy and hope you will have a quick recovery, with no fever. Hope the hospital staff are taking good care of you. Take care. You are certainly having a wild adventure.

  8. Prayers and best wishes flying towards you from Rochester, NY. Big hugs to you both, it’s so stressful to deal with health issues across language and cultural differences. Anything we can do to help please let us know. – Emily and Marcus (and little Henry).

  9. Dear Ellen and Steve,
    so sorry for this development. scary, but we are glad to see you and hope your recovery is without any complications. blessings and hugs,
    marit and dick

  10. Holy smoke…this isn’t what you need. You sure are troopers (okay, mostly Ellen).

    I have to admit, I wish you were stateside. I’m just sayin’.


  11. Wow! Very glad to hear you are recovering and you look pretty damn good. Sounds like an exciting experience. Ellen you were always good at being sick in dramatic fashion – glad to see you’re not missing a step!
    your ever-loving little bro 🙂

  12. we are all being cautiously optimistic, and very thankful for this news! Sounds like you’ve made an excellent choice, even though the appendix may have burst on the way. Who knows except God, and He is amazingly quiet about such things…then again, perhaps we don’t listen closely…Barbara came down to tell us this afternoon. God love her! She just keeps on going and trying to glow in spite of her worry. No wonder Ellen felt unwell! Blessings! Jean & Bill Casey

  13. OMG. Hope recovery continues well and is speedy. Great that you are near a nice beach. So glad you found a good hospital! Take care and *take it easy*! xoxo

  14. Medical care was the only question I had about your great adventure, but I thought it would be discovered via something less serious. WTG Steve for navigating in the face of danger. Glad you are doing better.


  16. You just never know with this business of bodies and health! You look great and I hope recovery is uneventful. Love to you both.

  17. Ellen, wishing you a speedy recovery. You look like you are on the mend. Steve, thanks for keeping us all updated.

  18. Ellen,

    Sounds like you (finally) arrived in good hands. Rest up and get well. Good for you, Steve, in working through the maze.

    Don and Meg Arnosti

  19. Hoping for an update today, but looking back at the photos, Ellen you look amazingly good after going through all that pain, the bus ride and the surgery and general anesthesia. You are one tough chickie!

  20. So glad to get this message, complete with pics of Ellen. Was that picture of the red abdomen at the start really Ellen, too? Did you get my email about imaging Ellen during my message session today and sending the healing of it to her get to you? The masseuse did reiki, too, and imaged Ellen as she did it, so we hope it got there. She said she thought it was working as even she was energized by the energy my body was giving off in its flight to Ecuador!

  21. The words “buena suerte” come to mind! Sorry to hear this and glad to hear the surgery went well. We hope this does not derail your adventure and that you heal quickly and completely.

  22. Hi Ellen..hoping that you are now back on the beach and enjoying some rest!! Thinking of you often

  23. Hope you are recovering well and quickly. I can not imagine sitting in a bus for so long when you must have been in so much pain. Thinking of you

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