Cambodia Ho’

We dropped off the car in Koh Chang, and Nikki took us to the ferry. Turns out our ticket didn’t go quite as smoothly as hoped, but eventually we made it on to the ferry back to the mainland.

After a wait, we boarded the Boonsiri bus to the border of Cambodia. It took a while to get our visas, but we did, then boarded a different bus to take us to Siem Reap.

The new bus wasn’t as nice. The roads were rougher. More poverty was evident in Cambodia.

There was also an obvious gap between haves and have nots. There are many “nicer” houses, very narrow and multiple stories. Often surrounded by shacks.

We were also struck by some of the advertising. How about a nice pickup –

Or if you need to chill out, how about a Krud beer –

There was also pastoral beauty –

It took too long. We were well over an hour late, but eventually we made it. What a slog.