Have you ever arrived at an urgent care and been told you have an appendicitis, need surgery, but the hospital has a power outage and won’t accept you? It was a good thing our new friend Mitt decided to ask the nurse what she would do if it was her mother. She gave us the […]
Not to belabor the point, but both Ellen and I are sunset junkies. Latitude 1 B&B has not disappointed. There have been a few overcast dusks, but in general we have been treated to great sunsets most every night. Here are some of my favorites (click on any picture for slideshow mode):
Latitude 1 B&B
Medical Update: Ellen is home (our current home in Ecuador) and doing well. We go in for checkups every other day. You’ll probably getting a Ellen’s Postcard from the Edge soon. Many have been asking about our current lodging situation. We are staying at “Latitude 1 B&B” with our host Susan. She has been a […]
Burst Update
Rather than a glum image of a hospital room, I chose the sunset tonight, with a kid playing on the beach. This was particularly great as I spent last night in Ellen’s room at the clinic on a love seat. (Not that it isn’t worse for her. It is.) It’s nice to be back at […]
This post may be a bit brief in deference to Ellen’s privacy. Toward the end of last week, Ellen suffered from some pain in her gut. By Saturday sunset we headed to the emergency room at the hospital in Manglaralto, about 15 minutes south of where we are staying. If you are thinking it is […]
Isla de la Plata
Isla de la Plata is a small island 40 km off the coast of Ecuador from Puerto Lopez. It has been called the “poor man’s Galapagos.” With a name like that, how could we resist? We arranged a tour with Susan, our B and B owner, and Natasha, our Finnish friend. The van came and […]
Cuenca Debrief
Now that we are on the beach relaxing, we decided to close the book on our four weeks in Cuenca, and to a lesser degree our first month in Ecuador. By the way, we have passed the 100th post mark on the blog! Yeah Us! This blog may be a bit stream of consciousness, so […]
Burn the Old Men for New Years
New Year’s Eve is the biggest holiday in Ecuador. Cuenca is often considered the epicenter for one of the most unique traditions. Life in Ecuador has a pretty good write-up: One big part of the festivities for New Years Eve in Ecuador are “los años viejos” (the old years). People make large scarecrow-like dolls often […]
A Room With Kind of a View
Mary asked for more details on living arrangements. I didn’t really take many photos of the first two situations. But here is a quick briefing: You got to see the Mejia house in the Christmas post. Richard’s apartment was quite roomy, had 2.5 baths, and a nice kitchen (albeit without an oven). By far […]
Where Foodies and Shamans Meet
We had visited the mercado (market) 10 de Augosto (they name a bunch of stuff after dates – especially markets and streets) several days ago. When I saw the roast pig I knew I would be returning. Today we came back. Now that we are in an apartment near the central part of the city, […]