Christmas Parades

It seems that December is the season of Christmas festivities in Ecuador.  I have now seen at least three parades all ready.  This all culminates on Christmas Eve Day when Cuenca celebrates the “viaje nino” or travelling child.  That particular parade starts at 10:00 am and goes until 5:00 in the afternoon.

On Friday, our class was interrupted by the sound of drumming and a brass band.  At break time, we went out to the street.  There was a Christmas parade that included the military, police, schools, and children.  This must be a big deal for parents, as they dress their little kids up and walk beside them.  A chosen few ride horses, always in costume.  The boys often wear bodacious beards.

The children are, of course, extremely cute.  The police and military did not carry weapons.  The female police marched in close order drill, the males rode horses and played in a brass band.

Near the end of the parade, the upper echelons of the police walked.  The top level walked with wifes and (I think) a daughter or two.  Here are pictures:

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