Crater Lake

We finally said good bye to Barbara and Hyla’s hospitality this morning, heading out toward Crater Lake National Park.  It was a beautiful blue sky, which seems to only get bluer as one approaches altitude.

On the way, we stopped for lunch at a rest area.

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We continued on, stopping at a few vista viewing turnouts.


We finally made it to Crater Lake where we were a bit surprised to see snow.

Crater Lake was on our bucket list since Blakey visited this summer.  Much has changed from our original plans, but fortunately Theodore Roosevelt, Crater Lake, and the Redwoods have persisted.

I am beginning to run out of superlatives for the beauty of the United States.  As you can see from the gallery, this is a “worth it” kind of place.

Even though we had snow, the last three years they have not.  I spoke with a fellow who’s brother-in-law drives a snow plow (there are no shoulders on many parts of the road).  It is normal to have 15 foot snow banks during the winter.  The last three winters there has been virtually no snow.  Last year there were 8 inches that melted within a week.

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2 thoughts on “Crater Lake

  1. Hi you two! We miss you!
    So nice to follow you and your adventure and see your beautiful photos and fine descriptions.
    Travel safely and well.
    Marit and Dick

  2. Ah, your poetry of the popcorn on your tent sounded wonderful…And awakening to sunshine. 3 years ago we made a bucket list trip specifically to see Crater Lake: found it in smokey haze, so your picture was nice to see the lake and that island in the sunshine. Happy further journey to you!

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