Studying Spanish in Cuenca, Ecuador

We are hoping to spend a few months this fall in Ecuador.  We’ll probably fly from Los Angeles to Quito, then spend some time travelling to Cuenca.

It is said that the Ecuadorean accent is quite excellent for learning Spanish, so we plan to enroll in a school for several months.  Our current front-runner is the Yanapuma Spanish School.  They are a non-profit school with all proceeds going to indigenous people of Ecuador.

While there, we will live with a non-English-speaking host family.  Language studies will be 4 hours each weekday.  Afternoons and evenings are spent on activities and excursions in Cuenca and its environs.

In December, we are discussing the possibility of a family visit to the Galapagos Islands.

We are often asked “why study Spanish if you’re going to South Africa?”  Good question.  We have several reasons:

  • We want to go to Ecuador
  • We’ve always wanted to learn Spanish
  • The cost is less than spending the time in the U. S.
  • It will give us practice in learning another language
  • It will be a nice diversion as we wait for South Africa

One thought on “Studying Spanish in Cuenca, Ecuador

  1. I am eager to hear about life in Ecuador as an American (or potential ex pat) including daily expenses/cost of living.

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