Door County Grandma Turns 90 6 Months Prematurely !


Okay really!  This doesn’t look like a 90 year old grandma.

Well of course, that is because she isn’t.

She’s only 89 and a half.

The big event this summer in Door County was clearly the celebration of my mother’s 90th birthday.  Granted, it doesn’t occur until January, but she decided to go ahead and have it early when all of her children and grandchildren could attend.

The theme of the fête was that of the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party.  Family members and honorary family member Lori worked tirelessly on invitations, decorations, and food.


Cheese puffs


Food included cucumber sandwiches, wraps, and cheese puffs


Green hat birthday cake


Plating by Ellen and Jolene

Each table featured a "teapot" centerpiece

Each table featured a “teapot” centerpiece


The room was decorated with Mad Hatter baubles, including signs and playing cards

Barbara led the group in singing, including a boys vs. girls rendition of “How Much is that Doggy In the Window.”

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White Rabbit

As a special nod to Barbara’s lifetime love, the White Rabbit made an appearance.  Unfortunately, the White Rabbit seemed quite concerned with being tardy, and couldn’t stop talking about how late she was.




Hat Contest

A highpoint of the event was the hat contest.  Guests were all invited to wear hats, and each guest voted for “most creative” and for “most beautiful” hats.


Son Jeff announcing winners of hat competition


Winner – most creative hat


Winner – most beautiful hat

Jolene and Ellen were not eligible (members of the family) to win any valuable prizes

Jolene and Ellen were not eligible (members of the family) to win any valuable prizes




Laurie (shot from her favorite angle)


Hat Gallery

A splendid time was had by all!

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2 thoughts on “Door County Grandma Turns 90 6 Months Prematurely !

  1. Hi Ellen and Steve! Looks like this birthday party was very creative and enjoyable!

  2. Shayla had a memorable time, so much enjoyed doing her own make-up and was glad she had the perfect teeth (and lack thereof) to pull off the perfect rabbit! She and Blakey made a real connection, and I’m guessing/hoping Blakey will find a way to visit Shayla in Montana!
    Thank you for the opportunity to share in this wonderful day!

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