Ellen & Steve’s Small (but not Tiny) House

Having had the opportunity to experience Blakey’s tiny house, I am loathe to call where we are living a tiny house.  In fact, here are some interesting tiny house facts:

  • Tiny houses may not have more than 400 square feet excluding lofts
  • The day I posted the Blakey’s Tiny House blog, I got 5 times more hits than normal on the post – clearly there are a lot of searches going on.

At any rate, our friends Bob and Ros were kind enough to rent us a one room house at Sassafras.  This is the home of Malibu Ceramics company (I suspect it might get its own post in the future, given the extraordinary tiles they make).  The previous tenant moved to Hawaii at the end of October.  We have rented it for the month of November.

We are realizing how much stuff we live with!  It hit us square in the heads when we moved out of the condo.  It took two storage areas even though we gave a significant amount of stuff away.  Blakey’s place is quite comfortable.  Now we are in a 5-600 SF place and it seems huge.

The day we moved in, we had a huge thunderstorm.  For those of you not from around here, thunder is quite rare.  Nonetheless, we had a storm.  The parched ground sucked up the water quickly, so much that the creek over which we pass to get to the house did not even flow.

We have had to address mattress issues, the borrowed blow-up malfunctioned the other night, so now we are back on the camping mattress.

Of course, the real beauty of the place is that it is close to friends we found when we were living in Topanga.  At the end of the day, most houses are more the people and experiences you have in them.

Take a look (click on any picture for the slideshow mode):


One thought on “Ellen & Steve’s Small (but not Tiny) House

  1. You have lucked out again on lodging. What a charming little place! Is the Malibu Tile place you mentioned the one that Ellen took Miriam and me to when we visited you? I love the tiles. Be happy! Love, Mom

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