Feliz Navidad

Landed in Panama City via Miami. We had a driver waiting for us, as it was 10:30 in the evening on Christmas Eve. Our hotel, the Magnolia Inn, is in the old town, or Casco Viejo, and we drove through miles and miles of high rise buildings to get there.

We thought it strange that most of the buildings had only a few rooms lit, if any. They looked like apartments or condos. Most had decks. We will reveal the secret to their darkness in a later post.

Christmas Eve is a big big deal in Panama. This is the time that families get together. Christmas day is a big yawn here. Yes, it is a holiday, but not a big deal.

We arrived at the Magnolia Inn, and were greeted with a cacophony in the nearby street. We checked in, were shown to our room. Turns out the noise was from an evangelical church service. We’re talking “Hallelujahs and Amens!” Loud! Audience participation! Right below our window!

We took a walk. Every park and square in town is bedecked with lights and Christmas decorations. You can see some in the pics below.

The church finally let up before midnight. But this was not the end of it. The neighbors had chairs out in the street, turned up the music, and partied until 5:00 a.m.

Fortunately, I was able to sleep through it. Ellen, not as much. On Christmas Day we walked around in the old town, or Casco Viejo. Not much was open until about 3:00. By 6:00, the place was abuzz with life.

We ended up at a sushi restaurant for our Christmas dinner. Average at best.

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One thought on “Feliz Navidad

  1. Love the first installment! Everyone talked about Sister Bay going all out on the lights this Christmas but having seen Panama, SB is in the beginner’s league! Looks like the weather is good. So enjoy yourselves every day. Love, Mom

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