
We met Sunday night at Froggy’s.  Froggy’s Fish Market is another Topangan institution.  For the last bit it’s only open on weekend nights, so Sunday worked well.

One would have to say that Froggy’s epitomizes Topanga casual (sheik?)  It is very common these days to find restaurants and pubs that are decorated with a bunch of antiques, perhaps road signs, old irons, anything.  With Froggy’s one gets the feeling that it grew up this way.  There are very cool things all about.  I have heard that it was once a school, and the main dining area is an old auditorium.  It is certainly believable from inside.

The food was only okay, but a great time was had by all.

Click on pics for slideshow view:

One thought on “Froggy’s

  1. I have heard about some older couples growing to look like each other. I’ve even heard of people looking like their dogs but a daughter-in-law who looks like a FROG!


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