From Haarlem to the Sea and Kiki

Title Picture: Dirk Driving Kiki Away on the Back of his Bicycle

We loved Amsterdam, and Dirk, and Kiki, but it is quite an expensive place to stay.  Dirk suggested we go to Haarlem, and we’re glad he did.  Once a thriving sea port, Haarlem was founded in the 1200’s.  It is filled with old buildings.  It is only 15 minutes by train from Amsterdam, but has a nice laid back vibe.  It is also very quiet at night.

We rented an apartment that was built in the mid 1600’s.  It had, perhaps, the steepest steps I’ve ever had to climb.


Serously steep steps at our inn

Seriously steep steps at our inn

At the city center is a huge church and square filled with cafes and restaurants.

Dirk came out and we biked to the seashore past some beautiful elegant homes.  Kiki came out after work for dinner.