Lost at Sea. and Other Stuff

Lost at Sea

So we had already spent the day in Tenerife in the Canary Islands, had dinner, and gone to the show.  Somewhere after that, my beloved camera disappeared.  Fortunately, I try to upload pictures every day or two, so you won’t be seeing any shots of the Canaries.  You also won’t see some of our favorite friends and staff from the cruise.

It is most likely that I left it somewhere and another guest picked it up.  The staff knows that there are cameras everywhere (not mine, but security cameras), and are unlikely to try anything.  We opened an investigation, but the cruise ended.

RIP Sony A6000

RIP Sony A6000

Other Stuff

  • We have made it to Barcelona and are now hanging out with Ellen’s cousin Nancy.  This means we have internet again, and will hopefully be able to post more regularly.  We have been encountering another issue that has often made it difficult or impossible to upload photos.  Cross your fingers that we can figure it out.
  • The towns we hung out in in Ecuador on the coast (Olon, Montanita, Salinas) did not suffer major damage in the recent earthquakes.  Guayaquil did, with 50 bridges damaged.  The epicenter was further north on the coast than where we were.


One thought on “Lost at Sea. and Other Stuff

  1. I hate that !! I want every day on record in my computer ! :/
    I am so sorry. I hope the camera has appeared by the time you read this.

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