Macalester Photography

Last Thursday and Friday I attended a Macalester College alumni class on story-telling with photography.  It was taught by Eric Carroll, the terrific photography professor at Mac and at the U of Minnesota.  Classes were in the photography studio in the newly improved Joan Adams Mondale art building.  The room is amazing with more technology than one can imagine.  Clearly, things have changed since I spent time in the art building.

The class objective was to tell a story that related to our personal experiences with Macalester.  The first day I found myself riffing on peace and love, doing a bunch of crazy “creative” things.  The second day, I needed to focus a bit more on story-telling.  This was much more difficult, and I found myself compromising on pictures in order to fit the narrative.  There also weren’t many people on campus, making it harder.

The Narrative


I arrived at Macalester in the campus’ most utilitarian of places: Dupre Hall. The positive is that this is where I met my first roommate Dan.


Macalester itself was anything but utilitarian. It opened my eyes to the world’s infinite variety.


One of the infinite varieties.


It was on a hill that is no longer here that my future wife Ellen engaged me in conversation upon seeing the boot lithograph in my senior exhibition.


Some say college is wasted on the young. I guess we may be a bit jealous.

The Fun

Other Random Pictures