Maplewood Meats

We often plan our trips from St. Paul to Door County with a stop at Maplewood Meats just west of Green Bay on Highway 29.

To my taste (and I grew up in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, the bratwurst capital of the world), Maplewood Meats has the best brats around.  Those who have had the opportunity to feast on their award-winning brats know of what I speak.  We have been told that this is where many of the Green Bay Packers players buy their meat.  I am not surprised.  The have won state and national championships for bratwurst, andouille, canadian bacon, and who knows what else.  As a pleasant side note, they also sell hard rolls.  The true bratwurst connoisseur knows that the only appropriate bread accompaniment to brats are hard rolls.  They sell great meats at Costco prices.

The counter must be 150 long.  There is an army of salespeople behind the counter.  An additional platoon of butchers works in the back.

Saturdays they close at noon.  I think they like to let their workers enjoy a bit of the weekend.  This trip we arrived at about 11:40.  There were easily 100 customers lined up.

Here is a link to their website:  Maplewood Meats