Mariposario (Butterfly Farm)

We went to the Mindo Mariposario, or butterfly farm.  It is a butterfly research center that studies and breeds butterflies.  At least half are released into the wild, but some stay back to help support the organization.

It is extremely well run, and a beautiful facility.  On the way in, we were able to see quite a few hummingbirds:

The main event was the butterfly room.  On the side there are chrysalises, eggs, and caterpillars.  There are dishes with bananas.  We are urged to put a bit of banana on our fingertips so that we can pick the butterflies up.

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I took quite a few pictures, but I will save you from most.  As usual, click for slideshow mode:

4 thoughts on “Mariposario (Butterfly Farm)

  1. Cathy and I always read your posts even though we comment very infrequently. The sunsets….and now the butterflies…just WOW!!! So beautiful. Thanks for taking the time to share all of this with us….back here with -7 degrees this weekend. Spring is just around the corner……. Dave and Cathy

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