
One of the more delightful spots we have visited is Menemsha.  For me, it is the first place I ever set foot on Martha’s Vineyard, several years ago when Phil M. and I sailed over in Bluejay.



Bluejay tied up in Menemsha Harbor – August, 2011

This trip, we hoped to go over on the “Bike Ferry.”  This is a small flat boat that will take you across the mouth of the openning to Menemsha Pond.  It wasn’t operating so we drove around.

We had a wonderful seafood lunch at Larsen’s Fish Market, then walked the docks.  It is a working port, and we ate outside watching lobsterman unloading his catch.

One of the high-points was sharing the excitement of a young boy who had just caught his first squid.  His energy was palpable as he told us that he “must be one of the luckiest people ever.”