Northern Thailand Magical Mystery Tour 2 – Nan

After a fairly mediocre breakfast at our hotel, we headed off to Nan, in Eastern Thailand near the border to Laos. It was progressively hillier as we made our way toward mountains. Gone were the rice paddies and now we were surrounded by, I kid you not, corn fields. Sometimes there would be a few rows planted along the roads. Teak forests surround the roads. Here teak trees are very skinny, for some reason I thought they’d be thicker. Lot’s of hills and winding roads. Motor cycles would have been fun!

We stopped at a restaurant along the river for a drink,

then on to the night market.

Post Card

Motor cycling was decided against, when my feet couldn’t reach the ground. I dodged that bullet for those of you who know we were considering it. I,m grateful Pete and Lek bought this cute little Chinese electric car. Pictures to come!