Northern Thailand Magical Mystery Tour (NTMMT) – 4 & Happy Thanksgiving to Americans

Our Gratitude

We are very thankful that we have this opportunity to travel as we are. We couldn’t do it without the support of our home community. We are especially thankful for our children, Blakey and Peter, who continue to manage the affairs of life stateside.

In honor of Thanksgiving, we took a Thai cooking class today. More to come on that when our posts catch up to today.

With regards our election grief, I think we’ve passed denial, but anger, bargaining, and depression seem to be getting muddled together. At least we don’t have to look at the news if we don’t want to…though we still do some.

Maybe it’s the bargaining stage, but we are trying to hold that our values are righteous, and will ultimately, with some soul-searching, prevail. We are trying to develop a whole new perspective, like our parents’ had to about war, long hair, pot, patriotism, without losing compassion for less privileged.

Northern Thailand Magical Mystery Tour – 4 – Travel Day

Today was a big time travel day. We drove from Nan, on the eastern edge of Thailand, through Lompang, by-passing most of Chang Mai, heading north to Le Cocotier Hotel in Cho Lae, a lovely family-run hotel in the midst of rice fields. There was a buffalo outside the window in front of the sink.

We chose this spot so that we could have dinner with Franz (Dutch) and Nina (Thai), friends of Pete and Lek. We met them at a local restaurant, where we had a great dinner.

They drove there in their electronic tuk-tuk.

We had a wonderful sunset.

After dinner, we chilled on patio with a bit of wine.