Old Friends and Dinghy Launch

In the heat of travel negotiations last Spring, Ellen told our friend Anne that we might not make it to visit her and Phil the particular dates she suggested due to other commitments.  Anne quickly dissuaded us from that position by disclosing that we would not be visiting only Anne and Phil.  Mark and Nina and John and Beth had obtained cheap tickets to fly out from Saint Paul and surprise us.

Consequent to the revelation, the surprise part didn’t go as well as originally planned.  The friends part went swimmingly well.

There was catching up to do.  Wine to be tasted.  Food to be eaten, (best lobster ever).  We went to the church fair in Little Compton.

Perhaps the highpoint of the visit was the launch of Phil’s custom-modified bifurcated dinghy.

The "McGlave bifurcated dinghy"

The “MBD” or “McGlave Bifurcated Dinghy”

Phil has a Stonehorse Sloop, the Bluejay.  Designed for the waters of Sakonnet Bay and environs, she is a 23 foot long keel sailboat.  The size is great, if one is willing to haul a dinghy.  Phil, however, speculated that he would obtain a better sailing experience if he could carry a dinghy on the deck of Bluejay.  The only issue with this approach is that there isn’t enough deck on the boat to carry a dinghy.  Not to be stonewalled by the Stonehorse, Phil determined that two dinghy halves could be carried just fine.  To this end, he built a dinghy in two assemblable parts.

This was the historic maiden launch.

Well done Phil!

We then got into the car and drove halfway across the country to Door County, Wisconsin to see family.