Pase del Niño parade

Christmas Eve in Cuenca features the largest Pase del Niño parade in latin america.  The Miami Herald has a nice writeup: Pase del Niño parade

The event starts at 10:00 in the morning, lasting about 8 hours.  We went with our host family to their school that overlooks the parade route.  We were able to get a bird’s-eye view of festivities, but only made it about 2 1/2 hours.

Verito, our host mom, would tell us what region of Ecuador each group came from based on the clothing and hats they were wearing.  Many of the floats and decorations featured foods, candies, and bottles.

In the spirit of the event, I am providing over 60 pictures (down from 300), just to give you a sense of how long the parade actually is.

(Click on any picture for slideshow mode)



5 thoughts on “Pase del Niño parade

  1. Feliz Navidad! Love your posts! The pictures and commentary are wonderful-move over Rick Steves. Inquiring minds want to know: what was the temperature for the parade (due to the elaborate but often very heavy-looking costumes)?

  2. were your ears burning today? Had a visit with your bro, his spouse and your mom and Laurie this afternoon. I said I loved your pix! Today outdoes everything! Must be the magnificent color, color, color! along with great editing. Jean

  3. revisited the parade pictures last evening with my husband. They are truly wonderful. The colors, the elaborate sewing required make each one of them beautiful! Thanks for the lovely Christmas celebration!

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