Pisgah Mushroom Festival

Sunday afternoon we attended the Mount Pisgah Mushroom Festival.  It is sponsored by the Oregon Mycology Association as a fundraiser for the Mount Pisgah Arboretum.  I can safely say that I have now seen more species of fungi than most people, (unless they have attended a mushroom festival themselves).

It was a rainy day, but we were able to get in and out in between downpours.

One of the main attractions is the mushroom soup.


The exhibition hall contained hundreds of species of mushrooms available for viewing.

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The “best of show” this year is a “dead man’s foot.”

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In addition, there was music, cooking lessons, community group exhibits, mushroom growing kits, and mushrooms for sale (there will be another post featuring these).

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Although I took over a hundred mushroom portraits, and even though I culled half of them, there are still too many cool mushroom shots.  Nonetheless, here they are (click on any picture to view in slide show):

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