Playa Playitas

We decided to go to the beach, so we asked Annie Lambert, a neighbor who helps out Kevin, (we’re at Kevin’s place), where to go.  Annie did not disappoint.  She found us a driver who took us to Playa Playita.

When we were at Manuel Antonio yesterday, they claimed that Playa Numero Tres, the beach there, is the greatest in Central America.  We beg to differ.  Playa Playita is a public beach, north of Playa Espadilla, the public beach just outside of the  park.  It is difficult to get to, as one must drive down a steep, rocky, rutted road to get to it. Our taxi was a van, and the sign said 4X4’s only.  The driver said no problem, so we went for it.  He did get stuck in the sand, but the road was no problem.

As you can see, it is a beautiful sandy beach.  The hordes are further south at Espadilla.  This is also where we walked to get some lunch.

The water is a perfect temperature.  The waves can be powerful.  This is a surfing location.

Take a look.  (You can click on any picture for slide show mode):

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