Post Card from Ellen’s Edge!

Carole King and Cat Stevens are singing to me and Steve is tolerating it pretty well.  We have made it to the ocean! I keep getting asked what it is like to be on the road together so much,what do we do?  How are we getting along?  Well, we read a lot, listen to books in the car,talk a lot of course.  Steve and I have always traveled well together!

I think a lot.  Mostly about how beautiful this country is and how really lucky I am to be doing this trip. Sometimes I really miss the daily focus of working, having to be someplace, and who I need to have over for dinner soon.  I really miss having a kitchen and dining room to have Steve cook and me to invite people over to.  Then Carole King comes on with “I hope the road won’t come to own me” or Cat Stevens plays “I know I am on my way…” Or Bette Midler belts out “You got to have friends, the feelings oh so strong…”  And I go out and get some!

My health is good I think . At least I don’t, but never did feel any symptoms . I am going for a blood test before we leave for Ecuador just to ease my mind.  Steve has formally declined the Peace Corps (yes they still would take him but not me).  We are going to try Ecuador and learn Spanish more seriously at least until winter is over.  Hopefully what they say is true about needing to sit still a while for the next idea to formulate, purpose to come, window to open etc.

I am in awe of my family and friends that are following the blog and keep finding people and places for us to stay along the way. Many thanks for coming along!

Miss you all,


7 thoughts on “Post Card from Ellen’s Edge!

  1. I’m loving reading about all your adventures ellen and Steve. I have to say that cat Stevens would be in my music selection too. Love him?✨

  2. Hi Ellen,
    Love your post. Tell Steve his photos and posts are great too.
    Miss you. Glad you are taking the time and letting things unfold.
    Mr. Max is sitting right here next to me. He sends his love and paw.

  3. Wonderful to see your blog, Ellen! Did you drive to South America from MN??! Impressive. When will you return? If you come through LA, please let us know so we can visit for a meal or have you stay here overnight or??
    Hugs, Betsy

    • Actually, we are still in Topanga for November. Head to Ecuador in December. Would love to see you while here!

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