Postcard from My Edge – Nancy

Picture:  Nancy, Steve, and Ellen

My father had a “son in law cup” as a friendly competition for the husbands of his daughters. If I started one for cousins, Nancy would be in the lead!

For those that don’t know my family history, Nancy is my first cousin. Her mother was my mother’s younger sister. She has always been like a younger sister for me, who only had older sisters.
Nancy bravely joined Steve and me to travel around Spain for two weeks. Two strong minded Helm girls and one stubborn Larsen made up a very quick-witted trio that managed to hit most all of the hotspots of Andalucía.

Europe in general has been an adjustment in our traveling style. The cruise ship was like Disney world and South America seems very far away and long ago. Spain is cleaner overall, colder and rainier. We rented a car which Nancy drove (having become an expert driving her folks around foreign countries.) I sat very quietly in the back seat while she and Steve navigated where we wanted to go. Both are interested and good at reading maps, which I can never find where I am to begin with, so I was happy to step back until I knew they were wrong in my gut! (Which was very rare).

I really appreciated being able to follow their lead and I often got to break the tie. Nancy had a childhood friend who connected us to a beach town for future consideration for a longer stay. We did museums which Steve will write about in separate entries. Nancy kept us up to date on Washington politics, Abbey’s wedding news, and I really began to feel my life back home. I got homesick in Ecuador, but now I feel more aware of life events I will be missing by choosing to travel, and am struggling with how I will fit back in. Having Nancy around made me realize though how fortunate I am to have family, friends and community all over the U.S. that I can slip in and out of their lives and pick up where I left off. I hope you all feel the same way.


Subscript from Steve

So we’ve travelled with Nancy quite a bit before, Mexico, New Zealand, and we’ve accepted some responsibility for son Ben when he went to Macalester College, (although Ellen, as godmother, helped him out with “that god stuff”), but this is the first time we’ve traveled exclusively with Nancy.  Don’t get me wrong, we like Jeff, and hope (like all get out) that he joins us the next time.  Having said this, there is nothing like travelling with someone to get to know them like you never have known them before.

I suspect we know things about Nancy, (and vice verse), that we may have never known before.  Even after all of that, I agree with Ellen – Nancy is leading in the cousin-cup competition.  When one puts two alpha females together, mixes them in a foreign country, and let’s them loose, it can be a lot of fun to watch.  And what fun we had.

Thanks Nancy.  You brought a fair bit of panache to the adventure.


9 thoughts on “Postcard from My Edge – Nancy

  1. Steve:
    You wild and crazy guy. Boulevarding in Barcelona, ambling along the Alhambra, marching through Madrid, a beautiful blond on each arm, what’s not to like? Don Quixote seems to be enjoying their company, Don Juan is around the corner, and Don Steve is holding the camera. Understand the sangria flowed like wine, the wine flowed like sangria, the tapas were tops, Gaudi was gaudy, and very good time was had by all three hotties hitting hotspots indeed! If this is what the EU is like, put me in coach for the next adventure.
    Jeff “El Jefe” Eagan
    FOES (Friend of Ellen and Steve)
    OUTLAW (Husband of Nancy)
    Winner, Van Meter Son-In-Law Cup 1987-2016

  2. Hola chica and chico!
    Wish I was exploring Portugal with you! I can’t thank you enough for letting me tag along on part of your great adventure. I loved Spain, especially visiting the small towns and cities of sun-drenched Andalusia. On the big sister/little sister meme, Ellen recruited me to the ranks of enthusiastic Airbnb’ers and put me on a 12-step program to improve my wine drinking aptitude and capacity. And I was happy to add value as a traveling companion when countering Steve’s frugal tendencies — like taking a taxi home at 11 pm in Madrid instead of navigating the Metro. Who knew a week of chauffeuring them on the highways and byways of southern Spain would enhance my future job prospects for a career as an Uber driver? Not to worry on really getting to know someone while traveling — your secrets are safe with me! Lots of love, N

  3. What great news about your travels in Spain with a cousin. Keep enjoying your trip!

  4. It sounds like lots of fun !! As your favorite aunt, (Margie is the matriarc),
    and the titular head of the outlaws, I expect you to share all the secrets !!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  5. I love your blogs! And especially the heart-felt thoughts from Ellen. I think often about moving, traveling, could I do it? Be away for so long? I wonder….

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful trip!!

  6. Love to hear Ellen’s heart-felt musings. I often wonder could I travel for along period of time, could I move for one last exciting job? I am so comfortable in my little world with all the pluses it has to offer. Ellen, we are going to Gay’s for our funny book club and meg is trying to organize a roller girls outing! We saw Louise Erdrich at the Fitz last week and that was a treat. She has a new book out…enjoying it!

    Love from the states

  7. Just to let you know you are missed! It’s wonderful to “keep in touch” this way, but it’s not the same, and we’ll welcome you back when you’re ready to be here again!

  8. Love your blog – keeps me on my toes imagining the traveling life…..and the many places you’ve experienced. All is good in Mpls – spring is here….and I look forward to seeing you when you arrive this summer.

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