Postcard from Ellen’s Edge

I am loving Cartagena!


It feels perfectly safe for a big city, but is like a small village at the same time.  The streets are narrow.  It is very Spanish.  The houses come up to the street and then have court yards after you enter and go in a ways.  We are staying in an Airbnb and the owners have been very helpful and friendly, which also adds to feeling safe.

At sea level I am breathing much better then at altitudes like we had in Ecuador and Peru.  I am amazed at how much higher than Colorado it has been and what an effect it has had.

One of the best things here is I got my hair done! I know I sound like a vain old lady, but it has been 6 months or more and it feels great! Describing in Spanglish and trusting she understood was interesting.  Although my hair spoke for itself and at one point she took a clip and motioned that two inches had to come off! As usual at the end she wanted me to buy shampoo and conditioner for grey hair!

I also bought some new clothes.  This means finding room in my back backs but it feels so good to have some different things to wear.  It is of course hot here as it is the Caribbean.  Ecuador and Peru varied in temperature daily.  We will be on this cruise ship in two weeks and though we will not be participating in formal nights, we do need to clean up a bit.  We met another couple who will be on the ship.  Being experienced cruisers, they were able to give us some insights to what it will be like.  Small world isn’t it!

The cruise to Barcelona marks the end of this part of this trip in ways.  Now our planning involves figuring out how to get around Europe and connect with loved ones there.  We are very excited to have my cousin Nancy join us in Spain.  We will see Steve’s old friend in Lyon, whose daughter Julia lived with us for a summer.  We will also see Casper from Denmark and Derrick from the Netherlands who were our AFS sons for a year each.  If time and money hold out we will try and go to Sweden, and see Johan who crossed the ocean with my parents when they sailed.  But we will see.

Many of you ask about what we hear about our elections here.  We get CNN etc.  if we can stand looking.  Peru is in the midst of a presidential election with something like 19 candidates.  The top vote getters then have a run-off election.  Most people are aware and seem to vote but think the field is so big and it will leave the president somewhat powerless.  About the US they ask about Trump with a Hollywood smile!  I do my best to very seriously say he is a very serious threat and he would negatively affect immigration laws which some are concerned about here and many are not.  The US has not been perceived as the place to be as it seemed when I traveled 30 years ago.  Country pride was very high in both Ecuador and Peru.  We try to get the tour guides we have had to talk some politics but they are reluctant.  We have seen Obama on TV, but really very little about Clinton or anyone else.  I don’t have the feeling people care much about what the US does or doesn’t do.  There is a more growing concern about the investments by China though.  Without better Spanish it is hard to have a more in depth discussion.  Talking to other US citizens, politics is not something we readily discuss.  Canadians are more open to talking US politics though.  Most we have met are happy with Trudeau!

We will be home in time to vote!


PS: These blogs get written and posted after we have been there based on Internet connection and time to write.  Since my postcards are often a way to vent I am usually over “it” by the time they post.  But I love the comments!


5 thoughts on “Postcard from Ellen’s Edge

  1. Hi Ellen and Steve,
    So fun to read your posts. Ok, that statue of the woman above sure nails it with those of us who carry a few extra pounds. LOL. Your blog today made me wonder about your haircut and your new clothes. Photos please.

    I am so glad that you are finding the election in the US not that interesting to others. It is good to know that somewhere one could get away from the narcissistic business going on here.
    The cruise sounds so fun. It was nice on the cruise we took to have one room to return to for 2 weeks.
    Wow, I didn’t know you were going as far north as Norway. We still do not have all of our trip nailed down. Will send a separate email on that. Beth S

  2. Love reading YOUR impressions, Ellen, as well as Steve’s. You reflect the frustrations of long-term travel–Most of us have felt the joy of going HOME after long trips. And you’re good on people; you guys have a wonderful variety of friends. You remind me a lot of Kitty…………love, ellie

  3. Hello Ellen,
    We love reading your blogs. We are enjoying the pace of your blogs and we especially enjoy the photos. We need the hair photos too. I am glad things are going well. You gave us a little with that appendectomy! Keep them coming.

  4. Sounds like you are in a good space. Hope the cruise goes well…the next leg of your awesome adventure!

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