Prima Lima

We finally took the bus from Trujillo to Lima.  It’s a long ride through some of the driest desert in the world.  Lima, in fact, is the second driest world capital, behind Cairo.

With well over 8 million people and taking up over 800 square miles, this is the biggest city we’ve been in since San Francisco.  We stayed in an area called Miraflores (kudos to TC for the recommendation).  It is an upscale neighborhood, renowned for its cuisine.  Lima is considered a gastronomic capital of the world.  We are inclined to agree.

We stayed at a very commodious B&B with a great restaurant.  Having arrived late, and sharing a tiny cab with three other people including a 70-something oral surgeon who lives less than a mile from our hotel.

We did a city tour of Lima.  The biggest issue is traffic.  Apparently they replaced the existing system with a new bus system, but didn’t deploy enough buses before getting rid of the old ones.  It’s by far the worst we’ve seen.  Quite an adventure taking a cab.  The tour itself was good, as we were the only people on it.  The old city around the Plaza de Armes is very spanish looking.  Many of the buildings have balconies, there are 1400 of them.  They have started an “Adopt-a-Balcony” program to help preserve them.  We checked out the amazing cathedral, and even more amazing Convent of Santa Domingo.  It wouldn’t have been a bad place to hang out back in the day.

We also checked out the Museum of the Inquisition.  Perhaps it would be good for Donald Trump to visit, not that it would do any good.  He would probably get some ideas from it.

We did some walking, particularly along the coast.  It is a vibrant city, with many walkers and people working out.  Had some good meals, the best being the Tiradito, a kind of sushi/ceviche blend.

We also checked out the Museo Larco, but that gets its own post.

Click on any picture for the slideshow –

4 thoughts on “Prima Lima

  1. Hi Steve and Ellen!
    I am so glad you like Miraflores! Shopping at La Comar is fabulous! We also enjoyed the Baronco (spelling?) district. I hope you are planning to go to Cuzco….and of course Machu Pichu… is a magical place and make sure you seek out the local shaman in Cuzco. San Blas is a very cool district in Cuzco, there is a great restaurant called Jakes….it is a small place but it’s good and people are always waiting in line to get a seat. I loved Cuzco and plan on going back someday soon. My mother was from Lima and I have a lot of family there, but Cuzco was the place I felt a deep connection to……maybe I am of Inca descent! Who knows! Enjoy your stay in my homeland. Safe travels, I love reading your blog! Wish I could join you on your travels!

  2. What beautiful pictures !!!
    We flew in and out of Lima when we went to the Amazon and Machu Pichu but did not have time to see the city…although I remember Miraflores….
    Loving your blog !!

  3. Great Pictures!! Great buildings .. the torture pics were a bit disturbing but I am sure part of their history

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