
Salvador de Bahia is the third largest city in Brazil.  In 1776, it was the largest and richest city in America, much larger than Boston and New York.  Being the center of the slave trade, as well as the main port for Brazilian silver and gold really helped.

We debarked independently of a tour and walked to the old town.  Actually, the Lacerdo, a large public elevator takes you from the port level up to the city.

There is a very different feel to Salvador than Rio and Sao Paulo.  There is a strong African influence, leftover from the slave days.  The south had more European immigrants.  Here there were African slaves.

Tourism is a big deal, and everyone was selling something.  There was street art, musicians, a Brazilian Marshall arts done to music, and tourists everywhere.

We found a café with internet.  I wasn’t able to upload any pictures, so posting didn’t work.  We had lunch, a bahaian fish stew, and came back to the ship.

We were treated to another beautiful sunset over the bay as the ship was preparing to leave.

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