Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy

One of our favorite places to hike in Topanga is at the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy along Tuna Canyon Road.  While living here Mac and his friend Dali (along with Ellen and Wendy), walked here nearly every day.

The Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy is an agency of the state of California in the United States founded in 1980 and dedicated to the acquisition of land for preservation as open space, for wildlife and California native plants habitat Nature Preserves, and for public recreation activities.  It was established by the California State Legislature in 1980. Since that time, it has helped to preserve over 72,000 acres of parkland in both wilderness and urban settings.

It is quite a circuitous route driving to the top, taking you through Fernwood Pacific Drive.  I’m not sure of the elevation, but as you can see from the photos, it is up there.

As one looks to the West, one sees the coast of Malibu.  To the East is Santa Monica all the way to Paltos Verde.  Going a bit more east is downtown Los Angeles.  Looking out of the water is Catalina, with some of the other channel islands visible depending on weather.

Although dogs are supposed to be leashed, it is rarely done, and one usually can hear rangers coming in their trucks along the fire roads from a distance. We made some good friends with other dog walkers while with the beloved Macalester.  Many have now moved away, but it is still a popular spot.

With the current drought, chaparral is doing its best to hang on.  I’ve included a few pictures from years gone by to show then and now.


Days Gone By