Shhhh! Steve! No Talking!

–Postcard from Ellen’s Edge!

We are at the BEACH!

It was a bit challenging as we had to take a local bus. I love local buses and being with the people, but the landscape and ride was a bit reminiscent of travel in Ecuador that at the time I coped well with, but since the full impact of what could have happened, seems to have had more lasting effects apparently. Maybe I am just getting older!


At the Albrook Terminal in Panama City.

At Albrook Terminal in Panama City

At the Albrook Terminal in Panama City.


In the bus. Double-decker. Second deck. Sweet!

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Any way we are here, met a great young woman moving to Los Angeles to be a stand-up comic on Mental Health Issues and the Mojito was great!

I told Steve “no talking the first day as I wanted to just hear the ocean, feel the breeze, and quiet my mind. Read as well! By Dinner I could talk again, and I keep wondering why we still work! OOPS maybe not discuss that now!

Very Happy, Miss you all!


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