
We took the train from Copenhagen to Stockholm.  We were impressed with the similarities between the landscape we were going through and the landscape in northern Minnesota.  Granite, lakes, pine, and bogs were common along the route.  It is very flat, and we have since found out that they have quite a few moose.

Johan and Kristina met us at the station.  Johan lived with Ellen’s family when she was younger as an AFS exchange student.  He also sailed across the Atlantic with Ellen’s parents in the late 80’s.  They live in a lovely house in an inner suburb of Stockholm, and have three children, the youngest of which is about to go off to college.  We truly enjoyed experiencing their wonderful Swedish hospitality and home-cooked meals.


There are people that you meet that seem like they have been friends forever.  Johan and Kristina fit this bill.  In addition, Kristina is a fabulous photographer.  I’ve put together a little gallery of some of her portraits of us.

Portraits by Kristina:

The next morning we had breakfast on the back lawn before taking off to see the town.


We went to the City Hall where the Nobel Prize banquets are held.  Then went to the Vasa Museum.  You’ll see more about these locales in other posts.  Later Kristina, Ellen, and I took the ferry to Vaxholm, and Johan drove out and met us there for coffee.  That evening, their sons came over.  We watched Iceland defeat Austria and all were happy.


3 thoughts on “Stockholm

  1. Dear Ellen and Steve, It was such a pleasure meeting you both. Loved having you here in the house, sight-seeing with you and not least, all interesting talks.
    Welcome back anytime!
    Love Kristina & fam
    PS Great documentation Steve!

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