Sunshower Farm

We pulled into Sunshower Farm in Soquel, (not to be confused with SoCal), on Thursday afternoon.  Amy was there to greet us, Blakey came an hour later.

Sunshower Farm is a property that Ellen’s brother Tim and his then wife Sue bought and built about 25 years ago.  Molly, their daughter was born and raised here.  Sue kind of moved on a while ago, but she and her newish husband are still great friends with Tim and Amy, (his newish wife).  Last summer Blakey moved into one of the tiny houses that Tim has built on the property from San Francisco.

Sunshower Farm is very much a community for people looking to live in community.  Interestingly, Ellen and I stayed with Bob and Pam at their co-housing community near Boston on the east coast earlier in the summer (click here for more), and now are having a chance for an intentional community on the west coast.

Currently, two three year-olds and an 11-month old are living here.  Friday nights are community potlucks.  Given it was the day before Halloween, costumes were in evidence.  After dinner several of us had a fire.

The drought is having an impact, but as you can see from the pics, things are still hanging on.

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