Sweet Malaga

We’re just going to have to skip a post for Tenerife, having lost the pictures with the camera. It was our first port of call after the crossing, and it felt strange to be planning the day’s activities after a week of not doing so.

We liked it quite a bit. Not having time to go up to the volcano, (the highest point in Spain), we opted for a bus across the island for lunch. After that we came back, reboarded, and headed out to Malaga.

I took my phone so I could snap a few shots.

The last time we were in Malaga was when we flew in to go sailing on the Terra Nova with Ellen’s parents in about 1984 or so.  That was just passing through from the airport to the marina.  Prior to that I’d visited in the 70’s.  I’d remembered it as a resort town without much interest.

Things have changed.  It has been revitalized and the cultural attractions have been added or buffed up.  We walked around, met some friends for lunch, then headed to the Picasso birthplace.


We then meandered to the Picasso Museum, but didn’t go in.  They had opened a brand new Jackson Pollock show the day before, and the lines were too much for us.