Sweet Vanessa

We took the train to Copenhagen from Hamburg.  This was our first experience of combining the train with a ferry, as they put the train cars on the ferry, and sailed across from Germany to Denmark.  This was also our first experience with a hybrid ferry, that captures excess power from the engines and uses it to propel the ship.  This to the tune of about 600 hybrid car equivalents.

Hybrid ferry

Hybrid ferry

Train on ferry

Train on ferry

Looking to Denmark

Looking to Denmark

Danish countryside

Danish countryside

Casper and Grasia met us at the station and we immediately went to his parent’s place.  They recently moved into a new apartment/marina development on the old site of the Tuborg brewery.  It is a beautiful place in a great location.  We met Klaus and Lisbeth for dinner.


Grasia’s mother and brother are visiting from Honduras, so their place was full.  Lisbeth and Klaus had some friends coming to visit the next day, so their place was full.  There was nothing else to do but to have us stay in their one-year-old Nordship sailing yacht “Vanessa.”  Ellen and I were, of course, delighted.  We’d been avid sailors, and Vanessa is a beautiful boat.  It is moored at the Royal Danish Yacht Club, across the street from the apartment.  It is also an easy walk to a small mall, where coffee could be easily obtained.


This was not absolutely necessary, as Klaus had provisioned the vessel wonderfully, including with a bottle of Diplimatico rum.  We’d first been introduced to this rum in Cartagena, Colombia by our airbnb hostess’ husband.  For those who have never tried it, it is from Venezuela and wonderful.


We weren’t able to find the time to go out sailing, but it was lovely to be nestled into a marina filled with Hallberg Rassy’s and other Scandinavian boats.

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