We finally said good bye to Barbara and Hyla’s hospitality this morning, heading out toward Crater Lake National Park. It was a beautiful blue sky, which seems to only get bluer as one approaches altitude. On the way, we stopped for lunch at a rest area. We continued on, stopping at a few vista viewing […]
Barbara, Hyla, and Al
We went to Eugene, Oregon to see Barbara, Hyla, and Alfonso. Barbara is a cousin. By pure coincidence, another cousin, Susan, was visiting from Hawaii. Ellen hadn’t seen her since childhood. I first met Barbara and Hyla when they visited us in Linden Hills several years ago. We pulled up fairly late on Saturday. It […]
More Lava Fields
Driving west through Oregon I was impressed with the number of cattle. I would have expected more in Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho. To be sure, they were there, but upon entering Oregon, there were many more. Other observations: East of the Rockies the hay is baled in round cylinders; while west of the Rockies it […]