Susan, a Canadian friend from Izhcayluma, invited me to go on a bike tour with her. Ellen was delighted to have me gone, and was signed up for a massage, writing, and e-mailing. The ride was promised to be downhill all the way, with a taxi (in these parts they are all pickup trucks) hauling […]
Izhcayluma – Virtual Community
Perhaps it’s because Izhcayluma is not on VRBO, Airbnb, or, and that we found it through word of mouth, (Regina, our Swedish travel buddy). It seems like most of the people we met here found it the same way. In any event, it is a fantastic hotel/hostel, and we recommend it to all. We […]
Vilcabamba – Woowoo Town
One hears much about Vilcabamba when one is in Ecuador. It has a reputation of being a special place with extreme longevity of its inhabitants. I won’t get into this, but rather refer you to wikipedia for a full discussion:,_Ecuador. This reputation has brought a slew of gringos here to visit and live, particularly of […]