The Big Picture

We aren’t exactly starting from scratch here.  We’ve been working on our plan for some time.  Here are the elements we see lining up:

  • We have been invited by the US Peace Corps to serve in The Republic of South Africa for 27 months starting in January of 2016.  We do need to be medically and legally cleared before leaving.  The earliest this can happen is August.
  • We have been invited by Ellen’s cousins Ellie and Jack to help them transport their recently restored Robinson cabin cruiser from lake Cayuga, through the New York canal system, down the Hudson River, and up the coast to Martha’s Vineyard in mid-June.
  • Ellen will leave here job as a clinical therapist at the Associated Clinic of Psychology in July.
  • We hope to be out of our condo by the end of August (more on this in later post).
  • We are hoping to visit our great friends in Topanga Canyon this fall.
  • We are strongly considering living in Cuenca, Ecuador for serveral months to learn Spanish.


  • This would be followed by a trip to the Galapagos Islands.
  • We will return to Minnesota in December for final provisioning and goodbyes to friends.
  • We will visit Steve’s mom in Door County, WI prior to departure.
  • We need to be in Philadelphia on January 20th for staging.