To be, or not to be…(Helsingør/Elsinore)

For our first full day in Copenhagen, Casper decided to take us all, (Grasia, her mother and brother, Ellen, and me), to Hamlet’s castle in Kronborg.  We hopped on a train and headed north.  The castle is located at the narrowest part of the channel between Denmark and Sweden.  This so that the king could collect taxes from all ships passing through.

We had the added benefit of actors playing the parts of Hamlet once we arrived.


Polonius and Ophelia


King Claudius and Queen Gertrude


Swordfight between Laertes and Hamlet. Something was rotten in the state of Denmark.


Polonius and Hamlet

We toured the castle which was quite impressive.  Every summer they produce Hamlet here.  There was a picture gallery of the various actors and actresses.  This included Richard Burton, John Gielgud, Lawrence Olivier, Janet Leigh, Jude Law, and many more famous actors.

One of the more unique parts for me were the carvings on the pews in the chapel.  Here are a few –

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