
Of all the places in Peru that we’d been so far to get stranded, we lucked out with Trujillo.  It is another town in the desert with about a quarter of a million residents.  It was founded by Francisco Pizarro.  It has a “spit shiny” central park.  And most important, the guy at the desk of our hotel, who helped us immeasurably.

We had planned to spend two nights, but couldn’t get a bus to Lima on Sunday.  He snagged two first class tickets for Monday, and we found ourselves with a bit more time to relax in this colonial city.

The square is surrounded by colonial buildings.

There are also more than a few “casonas,” or homes that were built by high class and rich residents.  Now many of them are occupied by banks and businesses.  The Central Bank of Peru has one of the nicest, and it and its collection of furniture are open to the public.

It is here that Ellen finally found a dining room adequate for entertaining –


The Archbishops Casona was located right next to the cathedral –

The cathedral was painted with vibrant murals.  It is lent, so there are quite a few masses going on –

We took a bus tour of the city.  Saw plenty of old and new –


We had dinner at El Cellar de Cler one evening.  It is on one of the balconies.


That night there was a concert with fold dancing on the plaza.



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