Up Up and Away (Finally)

It’s been a while, but we have great news!  Ellen’s surgeon has cleared her to travel, with the proviso of regular trips to the doctor for dressing changes.

We’d been discussing what to do next, but even so it took a bit of getting used to the idea of actually leaving the beach.  We’re starting our fifth week today.  At any rate, her is our plan:

Monday – bus/taxi to Clinica Granados in Salinas, taxi to bus terminal, bus to Guayaquil, Tame flight to Quito ($41 each vs. 14 hour bus ride), taxi to Hostal el Arupo, collapse, dinner, go to bed.

Tuesday – Wednesday check out Quito, probably a tour

Thursday – Cotacachi and environs

Saturday – day trip to Otavalo, for the big market

Monday – back to Quito and likely on to Mindo for a few days in the cloud forest.

Big picture, we have decided to avoid the Amazon this trip, being so close to the surgery.  We do plan to start heading south.  We’ve heard good things about the Banos area.  Also, we have it on very good authority that the Black Sheep Inn is worth a stop.  We just need to be out of Ecuador by the end of February to avoid visa snafus.

For now, saying goodbyes to our home of the last month.

2 thoughts on “Up Up and Away (Finally)

  1. So happy you got the all clear…probably wise to avoid the super high humidity and mosquito-y environs of the Amazon right now. Look forward to your next update. xoxoxo

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