Venice Beach

We were in Venice Beach to drop off pajamas for the Topanga Women’s Circle and decided to take a walk along Venice Beach.

Venice Beach, the area of Los Angeles between Santa Monica and Marina del Rey, is part of what is being called “Silicon Beach.”  This as opposed to Silicon Valley.  Several large tech companies have come in, and the rents are being driven sky-high, and restaurants are getting even pricier.

The beach area of Venice Beach is a beach, park, tennis courts, basketball courts, Muscle Beach, grifters, beggars, skateboarders, surfers, and buskers.  It can be a fun place to people-watch, even on a weekday.

We noticed an increased incidence of “The Green Doctors,” a business specializing in “medical” marijuana.  There were several outlets, and each had several people clad in green uniforms, to help you understand the benefits of marijuana to your specific medical conditions.  They must be very successful, as we smelled quite a bit of pot smoke as we walked.


On the weekends the place is a zoo, with even more talent available.  The best we could really do was henna tattoos and/or our name on a grain of rice.  We passed on both.

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