
It’s been a bit since the last post.  I developed a viral infection about a week ago.  Ellen got it a few days later.  Not fun, and we’re presumably on the mend, but worry about carrying it with us on the flight.

Blakey flew down last Friday.  We hung a bit in Lalaland.  Saturday we drove back to Soquel.  Blakey will be taking the car while we’re gone.  We’ll fly back to Los Angeles Wednesday, spend the afternoon with Roz, then fly to Guayaquil departing Wednesday night.  We arrive Thursday.

It’s been a great few days with Blakey.  We listened to a podcast called Startup.  It is the actual story of Alex Blumberg (former producer for This American Life and the co-founder of Planet Money) starting Gimlet Media, a podcasting media company.  It was quite a bit of fun, particularly listening as one is driving in the silicon valley environment.  Blakey’s friend and colleague Helen visited last night.  She has been asked to join a startup, and we were all riffing from the podcasts we’d listened to as we gave her advice.

Today we went to see Suffragette.


It started a bit slow, but told a good (albeit horrifying) story.  In a way it reminded me of Spotlight.


It told a good story, but was a bit one-dimensional (per Roz), except for the one outburst from Mark Ruffalo.

So we’re getting ready to jump.  The anxiety is building.


5 thoughts on “Virus

  1. Hi Steve,
    Sorry to hear you both got sick. Yuk.
    It sounds like you had a nice time with Blakey. Hello to her.
    We are back from our trip (Saturday night returned). I missed a call from Ellen. I will try to reach her before you leave.

    Thinking about you both. Taking the jump and having the next experience -wow, great, hang in there.
    Beth and Sam

  2. We are thinking about you and your exciting life !!
    We love the photos and hearing all about your adventures. Keep it comin’ !!! xxoo

  3. I’ll be flying right along with you tonight! Have a good trip and may all your expectations bloom beautifully. Love, Mom

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