Westward Slow

Even the best laid plans…

The condo is rented and on its way to being purchased (hopefully).  The Lexus is sold.  Financial and legal matters are settled.  Valuables are in the safe deposit box.  We are still in town.

There has been a slight medical clearance hiccough in leaving town.  We are optimistic it will be solved soon, but are hanging out a bit longer until it does.

We found a VRBO cabin on Big Carnelian Lake outside of Stillwater.  It is rustic, and it will have a post coming shortly.

In the meantime, we are anxiously biding our time and suffering from a bid of farewell fatigue.

4 thoughts on “Westward Slow

  1. Hi dear friends,
    I’m so sorry for the medical question. Can you fill me in a bit or is it best not to?
    My healing has been helped at the lake so very much, so I hope your Carnelian lake home does the same for you, physically and emotionally. Dick grew up on Lake Carnelian; spent all his summers there frrom age 12-college and then after. Our Groom’s Dinner was held at the Nowlin cabin.
    I’m still melancholy knowing you’re no longer at the Rivers, but I wish you all good things and look forward to staying in touch and staying friends. If there is anything we can do for you, don’t hesitate to ask. We’ll close up Blueberry Island by the 22nd of Sept.

  2. Did my note to you come through? I just sent it, but maybe didn’t do it correctly.
    I’ll write again, just let me know.

  3. I’m sure it’s excruciating to be all ready to go and then be delayed and then have to scramble for a Plan B. You are always good at those Plans and those plan B’s! I hope the adventure is fascinating and the hurdles you face unbelievably rewarding to overcome! Keep posting so we armchair adventurers can adventure vicariously. Safe travels!

  4. Based on my 2 1/2 years of service to the FDIC, welcome to our governmental agencies where stupid, lazy, self serving bureaucrats reign supreme. Realistic or bitter – let’s discuss in Costa Rica in a few years.
    Safe travels, even if it is just down to the lake.

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